I get a lot of questions lately about squatting every day. I'll try to present my philosophy.
Squats in real Bulgarian Training
I described Bulgarian training in one of my recent newsletters, where you front squat sometimes even 3 times per day, to max.
In my opinion, you should not be doing it as drug-free non-professional lifter. If you disagree, it’s alright with me.
This is too simply too much intensity and frequency.
My Problem with internet everyday squat programs
Biggest problem that I have with any specialized squat program that uses a lot of volume, frequency, or intensity is the risk of injury, typically knee or lower back.
It's obvious that the easiest way to increase squat numbers is to start squatting more, and more, and more, no matter what program...
...but you might also book an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. So, you need to optimize.
Are you a powerlifter?
As someone who is not a powerlifter, you shouldn’t be trying to artificially increase your 1 rep squat max.
Artificially, because I’m pretty sure when you’re on the squat everyday program, your 1 rep max will go up (especially if you sacrifice other lifts and eat a lot). Also pretty sure as soon as you stop doing it, your PR will quickly go down.
That’s the problem with heavy singles, and doubles, strength is short term. You should build long lasting strength with higher reps, switching to lower reps periodically.
If you are a competitive weightlifter, you always need to look at your snatch and clean & jerk numbers. See if increase in squat PR really transfer to higher classical lifts.
When to do it
That’s kind of obvious. When you have a small wrist injury or something like that, or you lost your job, on vacation, and you have nothing else to do, maybe try 2-4 weeks of squatting every day to break through plateau or experiment...
Squats are for legs, right?
Well... maybe...
It's complicated... it depends how you squat... if you lean forward at bottom of a each squat (aka squat-morning) then you unload legs and load your back, sometimes glutes, too.
So with bad technique you might get stronger back which could increase your snatch and clean, especially if you start high hip and don’t use quads much... in which case you, once again, might rationalize yourself to wrong answers... because there are safer ways to strengthen your back...
“You need to ask yourself an honest question, which muscles do the most work based on the way your squat and your anatomy. ”
Squat everyday by Coach PapaYats
As always, instead of only criticizing, it's important to show a better alternative.
Squat with barbell 2 or 3 days a week. In additon, everyday (that's seven days a week) every morning try to do one of the following for 1 set of 20, or 2 sets of 12, or something easy:
- duck walks
- frog jumps
- squat jumps
- pistols
- rear leg elevated squats
- front leg elevated squats
- belt squats
- kettlebell or dumbbell sumo squats
- kettlebell or dumbbell overhead squats
You can do the above at home, with anything your have available. Done everyday will also help with flexibility problems.
Find your weakness and attack it
Here are some my favorite exercises that take care of many weaknesses:
- Slow squats of any kind, something like 10 seconds up, 10 seconds down - medicine for most problems, good for all stabilizing muscles and primary movers.
- Rear leg elevated squats - left/right imbalances, glute/hamstring problems, targeting certain areas of leg is easy with changing front foot position.
- Squats with 5kg plates under heels, different stances (and wearing weightlifting shoes) - pump quads.
- Squats with your weakest leg stance.
I prefer these to be done right after your regular back/front squats. 3-4 sets of max reps, lighter weights.
As always, please send me an email and tell me what you think .